The Love Of God is Encountered

Children, youth, young and old, women and men experience a God, Who reaches out to them and cares about and for them.

  • We have time for them.
  • We listen.
  • We preach the Good News.
  • We encourage.
  • We guide and teach.
  • We pray for them and with them.
  • We come alongside.


Bible clubs, Holiday clubs, Sport activities, Food-distribution and practical help

  • Bible clubs help children find JESUS, to live with Him and to serve Him.
  • Holiday clubs are intensive times and give opportunities to grow in the faith.
  • Sport activities bring joy, fellowship and mutual care for oneanother.
  • Food-Distribution helps to reduce the needs.
  • Practical help in family crisis is a way to proclaim the gospel.


School sponsorships/ homework assistance

  • School sponsorships empower children from less privileged families to attend our school.
  • Homework assistance gives children the necessary support to learn effectively and that in turn will eventually make them to become responsible Christians as well as Citizens.


Evangelistic Outreaches

  • Ministering of the Word of GOD in schools during the pastoral instruction program
  • Special Outreaches to evangelize


Seminars / Preaching

  • Children workers are supported and equipped through training seminars.
  • Teachers in schools are encouraged and assisted to actively live according to their Christian convictions in their workplace.
  • Preaching and teaching ministry in churches assists the faith walk of many believers.
  • Instruction about children minsistry at the Rhema Bible Training College in Kenya is aimed at Multiplication.