Light of Life

The Light of Life Centre is situated 12 km outside of the coastal town of Malindi. On the 5 acre piece of land the mission is developing a “Father house of the love of GOD”. The 2 hands of the gospel are stretched out to aim at a wholistic approach reaching the community and making a difference in many lives. Although the Light of Life Centre is still in the development stage, there are already children living as part of the family.

Margaret, Isaac und Jackline, who came as destitute or orphans to us, are joined by others during the holidays. Other under-privileged children and orphans known to the ministry are assisted where they live with their relatives.



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The 1st building, a staff house, which will be used multipurpose until other buildings are in place, is nearly ready.

The workers house was the first stone building on the property; giving little room to the children to live. Then followed the chicken house and cowshed.


This is presently used as the kitchen as well as place for play and study.

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  • Homework assistance
  • Holiday clubs and Sport events
  • Counselling for pregnant teens
  • Literacy programmes
  • Workshops for professional trainings
  • Agricultural activities
  • Seminars on various topics
  • Medical camps


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